Original Item. Only One Available. This is a classic designed German Trench lamp from the WWI Era, a type that saw much use during WWI. Box style tin plated sheet steel construction with pull up top vent, usually designed to burn paraffin. The back is nicely maker marked:
Gebr. Bing A.G.
Gebrüder Bing (Bing Brothers) was a well known supplier to the military during the WWI era. They made lanterns as well as Granatenwerfer 16 spigot mortars. Unfortunately the interwar years with massive inflation as well as export restrictions resulted in the company doing poorly. By 1932, Bing was in liquidation, and the Bings, who were Jewish, fled to England because of the rise of Adolf H. The company went out of business for good in 1933.
This example is in very good condition, though there are definitely parts missing, the most conspicuous being the pane of glass that should be in front of the burner. These are however easily replaced.
Internally there is a dish shaped reflecting mirror and a holder for some sort of burner, now absent. There is a spring-loaded adjustment knob inlaid on the right hand side. Lantern comes with wood gripped carry handle and with wire hand grips to rear for directional use. It has an adjustable ventilation turret on the top side that slides out as required. One of the front doors is also marked with the model and type Blendlat 07/12, as seen on examples from various different makers.
The design of the lamp is really quite intricate, with many sliding pins to keep the lamp in the desired configuration. Exactly what was used by the thousands in the trenches during the Great War.
Lamp measures: 8" x 6" x 5"